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2008-2020 Wangrong Electronics lives up to the time and never forgets the original intention. It has been in the same boat through thick and thin for 12 years and forged ahead with strength for the past 12 years.

         Today Wangrong Electronics is 12 years old. People often say that "12 years is a cycle", but for us, this cycle is actually a kind of "return and watch" - starting from the original intention , stick to the dream, be a high-end precision electronic components company in China, and contribute to all fields of Chinese industry!

Wangrong Electronics (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd. was established on September 1, 2008

Founder Team of Wangrong Electronics

Huangshan Wangrong Electronics Co., Ltd. was established in 2010

  After 12 years of building dreams, we have paid taxes with integrity, actively invested in public welfare undertakings, provided assistance to orphaned elderly people, left-behind children, disabled people, and students in need, and contributed the love of our Wangrong people through on-site condolences, donations, etc. , so that they can feel the warmth of the world.  

      The 12 years of ups and downs have become a thing of the past, and the 12 years of journey remain deep in my heart. Wangrong Group needs the continuous efforts and dedication of all Wangrong people to build a century-old brand enterprise with high-quality services and let Wangrong Group Go to the world and the future! I believe that Wangrong’s tomorrow will be even more brilliant. We stay together through thick and thin, and wish Wangrong Electronics a happy 12th birthday. In the next 12 years, we are ready to set sail again!

        Wangrong\'s management theory system is rich and inclusive, and it has created a professional development team, manufacturing team and overseas sales elite team. In the new environment, Wangrong Electronics will continue to carry forward its tenacious struggle Bo, the spirit of daring to be the first, living up to your time, and moving forward bravely.

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